Rio Grande ARTway Update 

Rio Grande ARTway Update

2 new trail parks on their way!  

You will start seeing more changes on the ARTway this fall. Designs are complete for DeRail Park at Hwy. 133 and the trail and the Latino Folk Art Garden at 8th and the Rio Grande. RFTA has graded DeRail and some clean-up and Planting Days are in the works in late September and early October. The Carbondale Rotary Clubs are leading the charge for DeRail Park. We are in great need of plants and trees. Please contact amy@carbondalearts if you are interested in helping with either of these parks. A big thanks goes out to Bailey Haines and DHM Architects, Vanessa Gilbert and Brett Meredith for all the work on the design and plant palettes. The Rio Grande ARTway is a project of the Carbondale Creative District. Stay connected to this project at